Norwich: The May Scummy Mummies Show

THANK YOU @scummymummies, that was NOT your average Tuesday night! 3 male and 497 female super fans 🙋🏽‍♀️, scummy virgins and mothers united, we loved the captain birdseye song, the park song, Ellie as “no one puts Baby in the corner” and our Scummiest mum in Norwich came out tonight even though her husband had the snip today 😬😂 Helen and Ellie you are fabulous 😍🤩 thank you @dad_of_lad, @opennorwich @meraki_interiors_@clare_angell @angell0779@wifeofawigwearer @bea_fowler @emsymarie and Mandy

An unprofessional record of images by @55_avenue and myself to represent the indescribable hilarity below...